Friday, July 27, 2012

Whatever you do.. Dont pop it!!

We all wake up with an unwanted zit or pimple every once in a while.  Mine usually come around a certain time once a month...  UGH!  But the worst thing you can do is pop it.  Leave it alone, as hard as that might be, and you will heal yourself.  If you don't.. you will result in aggravation, that will probably lead to spreading,  and if you do indeed pick, will lead to scarring!  Try to apply a mask that is drying, like a clay mask, over night to suck out all the moisture!  Also, a must try is: Mario Badescu's 'drying lotion'.  It works great!  If you don't have time or money for that.. simlply dilute tea tree oil and dab it on with a Q-tip!  Fallow these steps and it should be gone within two days.  Just ignore it, treat it, wait,  and know it is all natural.

Apply a clay mask!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How to Prevent Aging Skin

As we all know, there are so many plastic surgery, lasers, and crazy ice chamber options out there these days.  But the best way to prevent aging skin is that in itself. Prevention!! The number one recommendation from your Dermatologist and/or Esthetician is always the same, right? 'SUNSCREEN AND SUN PROTECTION!'  Now that we have that out of the way and hopefully imbedded in to your brain forever, let's go over a few more tips for age prevention. The second thing I would recommend is HYDRATION!  Not only in the intake of water, but in the products used on the skin. Your skin is the last place to receive water from your body. All your organs and other functions take most of it. So as well as drinking plenty of water throughout the day, choose a great hydrating moisturizer that is right for your skin type, of course!  And don't be afraid of trying an oil based product (if your skin type/condition allows you to do so!)  If you know your type can receive and oil based product, and if you are cleansing properly (which I went through in an earlier post) you should be able to handle it and will leave your face feeling flawless. Third, make sure you EXERCISE 3x or more weekly.  In exercising, you are getting blood and lymph moving around your body which is vital for oxygen rich/plump skin!  And lastly, always get plenty of SLEEP!  It is proven sleep revitalizes skin and makes you look younger!  Now it is easier said than done,  many of us with high stress lives, make time for yourself and your skin.  And remember to always see your Dermatologist once a year, and your Esthetician at least every 3 months.. We say once a month is awesome!!! Good luck, and don't forget your sunscreen!!      PROTECT, HYDRATE, EXERCISE, SLEEP!
You can find this sunscreen at "Mollusk Surf Shop'